Happiness within
The moment you realize it’s just you that you have to depend on for your happiness.. The better off you will be. I used to think having a ton of friends would keep a person from being alone or feeling lonely. Sometimes I looked at friends as a source of happiness when a gal is feeling down. Someone you can call on to lift your spirits when a boyfriend dumps you or when you need someone to call in to your job and pretend they’re your doctor when you have to call off– wait, does anyone besides me and my friends really do that ? – anyway.. I’ve soon come to realize that your friends aren’t always responsible for picking up your spirits. Can you believe they have their own lives to live ? As we get older your childhood friends start to marry the same guys we used to make fun of senior year and start having families of their own. Some of those distant people we once called friends have moved out of town or to a new state to follow a dream, or simply have moved on with their lives. The point is- people grow apart. We don’t all have the same interest anymore, the views on life or the same experiences. As a girl grows and experiences life you notice your friends back home, as sad as this is, just doesn’t grow with you. Some of them stay stagnant. Some may even grow past you, the rest of them become moms. Not that being a mom is a bad thing, but I’m just starting to learn how to take care of myself! I guess life goes at a different pace for everyone. Which brings me to the moral of the story.. Never depend on anyone else besides you for your happiness. Grow up and make plenty of friends as you do. Because you never know who will still be in your corner in the end.
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